Sunday, November 29, 2009

HW 11

1) Under the heading "Question 1," "1," "Answer 1," or anything like that, discuss briefly the applicability or inapplicability of the discussion from Monday 10/26 to your project.

Monday the26 discussion was about applicable and inapplicable. Many of the things that could be applicable in transportation in the future. On other hand many things could be inapplicable. First let’s talk about things that could be applicable in transportation. I believe that in the future when we run out of the gas we will have new kind of transportation application. I believe our transportations in the future are going to be worked with electrical power and solar energy this is one of the things could be applicable, also there is inapplicable in transportation like transportation work with water energy.

2) Under the heading "2" or something like that, discuss briefly the applicability or inapplicability of the discussion from Wednesday 10/28 to your project.

Also I believe that in the future everyone will have vehicle that could be used as car and airplane in the same time, which they will have specific lines and system in the air which will be no more accident, and the reason of that the vehicles will be controlled by one international system and the vehicles have sensors that could avoid accident before it could happen. I do not believe these vehicles we will have could be used out of the earth space it also hard to be controlled by people themselves.

Answer 2

October 28th we had discussion about Roborts and I can define Robort as a machine that everyone need in the future and the Roborts will be part of our daily life. In my opinion this was very applicable to my project, transportation in the near future will be partial automated for example: car will be able to park by themselves and be driven by special system to the destination, but the long future cars will be fully automated in everything, car will have system that people didn’t need to stop to buy coffee it could have coffee machine control by the owner of the car.

3) Advance your project. Under the heading "3," etc., place the new things.

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